Reade Witman created Elkwood in 2006 on the foundation of his experience, ability, and enthusiasm. His vision for a business model was clear. He wanted to start a company with a core of skilled professionals who could consistently deliver the highest quality installations and finish carpentry at a competitive price. His prime motivator was to create a company where employees not only enjoyed their work but took pride in what they produced.

Today, Elkwood helps create award-winning, multi-million dollar facilities throughout the northeastern United States while upholding the standards and techniques Reade prized so highly from the beginning. Every employee is proud to make their work a reflection of this vision.

The plan for successful execution of a project is just as important as the project itself. Elkwood develops accurate estimates using state of the art takeoff software, as well as efficient and cost-saving installation methods. All tasks are performed using our team of skilled craftspeople leveraging industry tools and combined experience to effectively manage installations.

Timetables are important, and Elkwood promises to complete projects on schedule. The company is available to step into current jobs and help meet deadlines.

Above all, we never lose sight of the fact our most important partner is you.

Reade Witman, Owner/General Manager

Born and raised in Lancaster County Pennsylvania, Reade is a natural craftsman. Mentored by some of the best Artisans in the area and schooled in the craft, he brings a wealth of knowledge and professional skill to every project. With a degree in Building Construction Technology and more than 20 years of experience in the field, Reade knows his way around even the most challenging projects. With a strong work ethic and the utmost integrity, he leads by example.